Help release obstructions to natural, whole body movement. Stand and move with gravity instead of bracing against it. Wake up range of motion, restore vitality, integrate all moving parts.

What to expect…

Together we assess alignment and habits of movement to find new insight from the body.

I look at how we each got to where we are through individual history and what’s not been addressed or perhaps overlooked.

We encourage awareness into restricted areas and coach movement to restore full range of motion and orientation to our centreline in gravity. There’s hands on fascia release or repatterning the nervous system.

We integrate whole body coordination so changes hold. It’s a somatic education of how to live in our own bodies!

Sessions are 50-75 minutes

Options in working with me include

Ten series to systematically cover the whole body for long term changes. A process of balancing your body instead of a quick-fix that may only be temporary. We have time to explore the fascial lines to break barriers to your performance plateaus.

Three series over 3 weeks. This allows us time to work specifically with an area, chronic issue, or for attaining a goal.

A one-time visit to find out if this is for you. It can be the start of a process or a standalone session. Sometimes this is a “rescue” session done for someone in dire need of immediate relief.