Offering a movement based & hands on healing experience. Helping you perform well.

Consider how you would move when you’re not inhibited

by skeletal misalignments, fascial restriction, nervous system holding patterns, learned habits, injury, compensations, trauma, chronic pain?

Move in a way that is

~ balanced ~ lighter ~ free ~


S · P · A · C · I · O · U · S

What’s missing in your mobility?

Lets look at range of motion, posture, alignment, gait. Are you stuck, on overdrive, shut down?

Receive gentle guidance

What people are saying…

“When I came to Claudia, I was experiencing neck, upper back, shoulder, jaw and ear pain. I had been doing physiotherapy, massage and other treatments for quite a few years with little lasting improvement. In 4 visits Claudia was able to eliminate most of the pain and greatly reduce the pain in my ear and shoulder as well as allow me to release some of the emotional pain. She helped me gain range in my ankle and knee with an old surgery site that I hadn’t even considered could be helped. She also taught me ways to stretch and move to facilitate this healing. Claudia is very respectful, gentle, compassionate and skilled. I highly recommend her if you are experiencing pain and are ready to release it.”

Shelby Lynde

“From assessment through manipulation, Claudia Sorensen exercises a focused, deeply engrained knowledge of her practice. Combining a calm centred nature with a compassionate desire to achieve healthy outcomes, she enables her clients to trust unconditionally the methods and approaches she employs.”

Margaret Ryley

“I came to Claudia with debilitating carpal tunnel issues. It was untreated for 2 months and at the time, couldn’t even take a bag of groceries from the car to the front door before putting them down and try to get feeling back.

After 2 treatments I have only occasional twinges but they go away quickly. My 3rd session she worked on my hips, pelvis and sacrum. Turns out the (chiropractic diagnosed) bulged disk in my back was treatable because after the first session I became pain free for the first time in 2 years. I have a twisted pelvis and am now able to weed whack my yard, rake, fill in the dog holes in my back yard. I can lay and sit and stand without being in constant pain.

My son jumped on the trampoline last summer and landed wrong, he saw the chiropractor evey month and still didn’t find relief, one session and the pain was gone!! Love your gentle techniques and how well you put my body back to a natural state. I highly recommend you to anyone!!”

Kristi Smith